Samantha | Just Because
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
This was a super fun session...a girl and her instrument! Samantha is a very talented musician who is working on her website to promote her business. She is available for weddings and events and works solo or with a whole orchestra. If you want her info..shoot me an email!
The coolest part was that I wanted to get shots of her playing her violin, so she had to actually play it...It was calming and beautiful!
And now to my favorite part of the day...the beach!
Posted byCarolina Araujo
2:13 PM
If Facebook Jumped Off a Bridge, Would You Jump Off a Bridge?
I bet you never knew that you wanted to know 25 things about me!!! If you are not a part of the Facebook phenomenon, you probably don't know about this little chain letter. You basically get "tagged" to write a list of 25 random things or facts about yourself. I finally gave in after being tagged a bunch and I'm glad that I did because it was fun to do and people that I tagged did it, and I got to learn more about them!
I think the funniest part of the "25 Things" lists is how many people are so completely against them. There was actually an article on the main page of talking about how silly the 25 Things list were. They even made a list outlining why it was so dumb. Oh the irony!!
In either case...I thought it would be fun to share my "25 Things" list...Oh and I love new friends, so request me on Facebook (yes, that's me in the blonde wig!!). Here goes:
1) When I was 4 or 5 years old, I had super duper short hair. My brother still makes
fun of me and refers to me as his baby brother when he sees any pictures of me around that age.
2) To make matters worse, right around this age, my mom took me to the hair salon with
her and as the hair stylist worked on her hair, I decided I would work on mine, grabbed a pair
of scissors and cut a bald spot on the side of my head.
3) Another lovely childhood experience: I stuck a nail or screw inside one of my nostrils.
I was rushed to the hospital because no one could get it out and I was probably freaking out.
The worst part is that this happened twice.
4) Since we are on the subject of dumb things I’ve done: One of my best friends, Lucia and I
got MATCHING tattoos on our lower back when we were 16. We didn’t have parental consent and
the plan was to never tell! My mom found out about 2 days later, she was soooo mad!
I think Lucia’s mom still doesn’t know!
5) My mother, brother and I moved to the Tampa from the Dominican Republic when I was 7 years old.
I was enrolled in school and held back a grade because I didn’t speak
English…and because I was 7 years old in the 3rd grade!!!
6) I looooveee to cook. I didn’t grow up liking it at all. I don’t think I picked up a pot and
pan until I was in my 20s. I’m pretty good at it too.
7) I don’t really like going to the movie theater. The last movie I saw in the theater was
Sex and the City, I can’t remember the time before that. I do love movies though, I just like
watching them at home. If it’s not out on DVD, I haven’t seen it.
8) I proudy and shamelessly watch a whole lot of reality TV. I watch every single show.
My favorite is The Amazing Race, but I don’t discriminate, I watch even the crappy ones.
9) When I first met my husband, Alex, I thought he was the biggest nerd EVER. But then
I really got to know him and I realized I was completely right!
10) I met Alex because we worked at the same company. We became really good friends and started
dating about 5 months after we met. We didn’t tell anyone at work though. It was
fun having a super secret office romance. I think it only lasted like 2 weeks
though, then we spilled the beans…I think most people already knew.
11) I have yet to meet anyone who makes me laugh as much as Alex.
12) I looovvveee to travel. Absolutely love it. The packing, the airports, the flying, the
sightseeing…I find it all magnificent! And I’m so lucky to have found the most perfect
travel companion ever. (That’s you Alex)
13) I would love to go to school to become a pharmacist. I think maybe one day I will.
Anyone want to fund my studies?
14) I think I’m funny. I really do.
15) I live in a 2 story house and I’m always falling up and down the stairs.
Bet you didn’t know you could fall UP the stairs did you?
16) At the moment, I’m highly obsessed with Rock Band. I play Bass and Alex plays Guitar.
We play until my fingers cramp up. When people come over I love to impress
them with my singing “abilities”.
17) I don’t like or drink beer, wine, or champagne. I always say that my palate is not
refined enough for wine.
18) I’m really looking forward to seeing Aaliyah, Gaby, Javier Lee, Angie, Breanna, Lucas and
all the babies around me grow up. It’s so much fun to be able to say that I’ve known
them their whole lives. I think I’ll be the cool aunt!
19) I love hosting get-togethers, game nights, parties. Pretty much anything that involves
a bunch of people at my house having a good time.
20) I dropped driver’s ed in high school. For some reason it really wasn’t a priority of mine
to start driving. I got my license after high school only because no one was willing
to drive me to and from work every day.
21) Super Bowl weekend we went to the casino and saw Paris Hilton. Alex got a picture of
the back of her head. That’s hot.
22) I’m so much like my mother it’s scary.
23) I’ve seen snow fall only once in my life. I can’t remember the temperature but it was in
the negatives and I swear I looked like Ralphie’s little brother in A Christmas Story.
24) Even though Alex and I have only been married for close to 2 years, we have been together
for almost 10 years! Throughout the years we’ve developed some funky nicknames for
each other, such as: Ball, Ballface, Babeball…most recently he’s been calling
me Monkey. At least we’ve gotten over the ball phase.
25) I can solve a Rubix Cube in 13 seconds flat.
…okay that last one was a lie but I really found this little survey hard! I’m really not that interesting!!!
Posted byCarolina Araujo
2:12 PM
Labels: Personal
Ammie | Just Because
Just Because sessions are so much fun! Ammie's session was just because she's turning 21 and she just graduated cosmetology school! Congrats Ammie!!
Posted byCarolina Araujo
2:11 PM
Labels: Just Because
Sandy & Dave | Engagement
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Tampa has been crazy fun for the past couple of weeks. Last weekend, the Superbowl was hosted in my hometown and as you can probably imagine, the city was booming! There were people everywhere, ton of parties, celebrities. This weekend is Gasparilla weekend. Gasparilla is a huge Tampa tradition and one of the biggest event in Tampa. Warning: If you decide to go: it's one huge party and crazyness will ensue. Good times!
Posted byCarolina Araujo
10:37 AM
Labels: Couples, Engagement