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Sandy & Dave | Engagement

Tampa has been crazy fun for the past couple of weeks. Last weekend, the Superbowl was hosted in my hometown and as you can probably imagine, the city was booming! There were people everywhere, ton of parties, celebrities. This weekend is Gasparilla weekend. Gasparilla is a huge Tampa tradition and one of the biggest event in Tampa. Warning: If you decide to go: it's one huge party and crazyness will ensue. Good times!  

Last but certainly not least, another Tampa staple has come into town.  The Florida State Fair! Always in Tampa, always in February, always two weeks.  Let me tell you a little bit about this massive fair.  For starters, it boasts some of the best culinary talent.  Move over Top Chef!  You can enjoy such items as chocolate dipped bacon (yeah, you read that right), fried cookie dough, funnel cakes, elephant ears, barbecued bacon rinds, the tornado potato (picture potato chips on a stick!)....and if you're watching your figure, there is always the healthy options like deep fried green beans.  YUM!  Oh yeah and there are rides and stuff, but who goes to the fair for that!

I went to the fair yesterday, not just for the corn dogs, but for a totally different reason.  A super fun and colorful engagement session!!  Sandy and Dave are getting married early next year and they've chosen me to document their day...yay!!  I've been waiting for February because I have been dying to shoot a couple at the fair.  When talking about engagement session location, I pitched Sandy my idea and luck would have it that she loves the fair and loved the idea...score!! 

I couldn't possibly begin to tell you how much fun I had let me show you!

The lovely couple and some yummy light!

I made them kiss.....alot!

I think this one is my faaaaavorite!

Dave spotted this little secluded area..great find!

Hmmmm....ginormous corn dogs!  Can I just say that you guys are a gorgeous couple!?!

Oh, I definitely spoke to soon..this one's my favorite...and it's screaming 'put me on a huge canvas!'

I have to tell you about the great teacup debacle.  I thought it would be a GREAT and fun idea to get on teacups and take some pictures!  How bad could it be right?  After all, they are in children's section at the fair.  So we get on, and quickly find out that 1 teacup was not made to fit 3 adults comfortably.  But hey!  That's okay...we can manage right?  So we start spinning, I start shooting..FUN right?  No..not so much after a minute.  While all the other kids on the ride seemed unaffected...the 3 of us got very queasy, very quick!  It really did seem like it would never stomach did a couple flip flops but we got some really cute shoots...all in a day's work!

These were obviously taken before the stomach jumping jacks and I love them!! 

Back to our regularly scheduled kissing program!

On the sky ride..more stomach jumping jacks for me!

What a way to end the day!

Sandy & Dave:  You guys rock!  Thank you for such a fun day...and remember that we have a pending sushi date!

Posted byCarolina Araujo at 10:37 AM