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Catherine | Maternity

First off, I hope all the gorgeous Mama's out there had an absolutely fabulous day! We spent part of our Saturday cooking a yummy dinner for our mothers. Like always, it was good times all around hanging out with the family. What better way to celebrate Mother's Day than with a smoking hot mommy-to-be!

One of my favorites..

I'm blushing as I post this picture. It is absolutely positively H-O-T-T! And yeah you guessed favorite!

Two sidenotes:
(1) The Tampa IKEA opened last Wednesday. It is located exactly 7 minutes from my house, including light signals (a.k.a too close for comfort). I have yet to partake in any shopping activity. I'm in awe of my restraint.
(2) I've been losing tons of sleep the last couple of nights due to this incredibly addicting IPOD game called FlightControl. Last Friday I went to bed at a very decent time. Sitting on top of the nightstand was Alex's IPod Touch. I picked it up and stumbled upon the game. TWO HOURS later, my fingers were cramped, my eyelids were heavy and I had the top score! Alex and I love a little friendly competition, so we have been going back and forth taking first place. I'm happy to say that as of right now, I am the top plane, jet, and helicopter lander in our household!!

Posted byCarolina Araujo at 3:18 AM