I Apologize...
Friday, April 11, 2008
for my blog header ADD in the past days. I think I've changed or updated it about a gazillion times! I'm trying to see which header grows on me. Unfortunately, I wasn't graced with mad web design skillz (sad face) and I now have a newfound appreciation for anyone in that field!
So, again, I apologize. I promise I'll make up my mind soon on a header (I can't guarantee that I'll keep it for long though!) I'm trying to take the tiny bit that I do know and personalize my little blog. One of my many goals is to eventually have my blog on my own domain, and PAY a PROFESSIONAL to design it. That way I can bring in lots of little goodies that blogger won't let me do, like a nice big flash slideshow at the end of a session entry. Enough teasing. For now you will just have to put up with my tweaks!
Posted byCarolina Araujo at 1:38 AM
Labels: Personal